Monday, August 30, 2010
heyy ppl! sorry for not blogging for almost 4 months la! i bet all my loyal readers are GONEEEE! i want my blog to be popularr again la! D: hahahaha so i PROMISE i will REALLY REALLY TRY to blog MORE OFTEN (:
okay so you might be asking, hows my life. apparently everything is kinda alright already la! arent you happy for me? (: heeheee. okay so last wedneday 25.08.10 was the day we stepped down from rocmoc! YAY! HHAHAHAHA. then hmm what else i am TRYING my BEST to cope with my studies la! i hope i can make it on time! not my only motivation is to join RockFest and to get out of JC asap! :D hahahah so i shall work towards it then! (:
okay let me see. what else? oh yups! the Youth Olympic Games Singapore 2010 it lasted from 14 August 2010 to erm 26 August 2010! even though i was not involve in Y.O.G at all except when the touch relay that came to our school i was really excited for the whole 2 weeks! i watch all sorts of games on TV! especially my beloved swimming events la! :D but i when i watch the swimming events, i kinda feel really regretful that i kinda give up swimming la. imagine if i didnt give it up. things will be so different now. but what ever it is, i CONGRATULATE RAINER NG from the BOTTOM OF MY HEART for getting silver for the backstroke 50m! HAHAHAHAH.
okay yupss and during this 2 weeks i got to watch a female soccer match at Jalan Besar Stadium on the 21 August 2010. :D we were suppose to watch the guys trampoline qualifying and finals BUT Miss Lam changed it and give the rocmoc guys! walao long story la. but anyways we at least got to go somewhere la or else i will be damn irritated. hahahah so it was at 6 lus la so we met at lavender MRT at 1730pm la then only Joann, Jian Ning & Keane was there. so waited for Hui Ting la. then we went to eat TAI HWA MINCE PORK NOODLES. then after that met Yun Shan and Cheryl! after that we thought we were late already so the rest decided to cab to JB Stadium. but i thought its like a total waste of money so Hui Ting, Jian Ning and i walk there la! so went in sat there, so we waited for the thingy to start la! erm so the first match was Turkey VS Chile, Turkey was effing aggresive la, so i supported Chile and the final score was 2-3! YAY! (:
then the second match for the night was Equator Guinea VS Iran. i rooted for Iran cause they had the skills la! but Guinea played super roughly la, and i think most of the goals all tyco one loh, and the stupid uncle in front of me was rooting for Turkey for the first match and Guinea for the second match la! walao total opposite of me la! IRRITATING! so the final score for the second match was 4-1 ): sian loh. Iran lost. but it was a good game despite the DAMN BIASED REFEREEE.
after the match, Hui Ting, Cheryl and i walk a very very long way to eat FAMOUS FISH HEAD STEAMBOAT! and it was in the moddle of the night mind you, obviously it ws my suggestion la! it was aroung 11 plus already la! we spend $32.10! not bad la! after that we took cab back to kovan cause there were no more buses left le! and to escape the midnight charges, so we each stand at the corner of the road and frantically flog for the cab! so fun! so we were left with 3 minutes and we manage to board!
when we were just about to rest in the cab the radio said, "现在我要讲鬼故事" and then eerie sounds started playing cheryl look at each other and SCREAMED.and then Hui Ting kept laughing, then i quickly rummage through my bag and searched for my mp3 and stuck into my ear and full blasted the DAMN SONGS until the story was over!
hahahahah after that we chatted and slacked, we tried not to sleep la! then something very funny happened! Cheryl wanted to lie on Huiting shoulder but Hui Ting lean in and Cheryl's head hit Hui Ting's eye then got OUBAKA! like seriously it was a HUGE bump. then i had to helpo Hui Ting rub! after that mummy picked me up at kovan and by the time i reached home, it was already 1am plus! long day indead!
i promise i will blog soon! (:
off to do biology homework! tomorrow is teachers day!
10:29 PM
Thursday, May 27, 2010
heyyy ppl! i just gonna do a quick update before i sleep. i have to wait for that stuppid Vanny to call me!!! anyway, i just finish my MYE last week! (: i kinda screwed almost every subject except erm maybe chinese and english? (: hahhaha but i kinda got clear got certain concepts for chemistry and mathematics already just that not in time for the MYE lohh, so i just like learn from it then next time it will come into good use! :D
hahhah anyway, life is getting better and i getting use to many things now, hahha i am proud of myself for overcoming all this SHIT hahaha. but so far i realise i made a very wrong mistake is choosing what i shouldnt choose. and that is my current cca luhh, i can blabber here cause my current school mates doesnt think that this blog even exist! :D
hahahha so here i am in SRJC, in SRJC ROCMOC, feeling totally SHITTY. i am the MOST UNFIT person there, and a person that have a body of a climber and YETTT CANNOT CLIMB. and when i mean i CANNOT CLIMB, i am not trying to be humble or anything, i really mean i SUCK in climbing. LIKE SEROUSLY. i should have just joined band in SRJC luhh. damn it.
anyways, some ppl there hate me for being a SUCKER. but thats not the point, ppl think i am whinny and all 'niang niang' and i SHOULD JUST QUIT CLIMBING. but hello, i am 'niang niang' when i am NOT CLOSE TO YOU. and bloody hell thats not my real character. i am just trying to be NICE. dont make me go to the extend that i become MEAN and then you come and kp me loh. seriously. so everything is solved except this problem.
yup so maybe this is the REAL big mistake i made. D:
siannn, but acting like myself in JC is still really hard luhh, my real self is starting to disappear! i can totally feel it.
hahahha and yesterday i just went out with my class for a class outing (: not bad quite awesome but i got severe sunburn like seriously serious! so i am as red as a lobster! (:
and tomorrow i got the BLOODY CLIMBING COMPETITION.
and i am totally not in the mood (aka 'niang niang'to certain ppl) to even participate lohh. WTFFF.
and i just had my class photo taking today and the teachers survey, and then i went home to slack and sleeeep (: hhahahha! damn it i am bloody not looking forward to tomorrow. D: SCREWWWW IT. DD:
11:11 PM
Saturday, May 8, 2010
heyy ppl sorry for not blogging for a WHOLE ENTIRE 5 months!!! OMG! first of all i am in SRJC, if you all still didnt know and i am in ROCMOC (rock climbing)! anyways life is really really tough nowadays i am still amazingly holding on, i feel so bad to neglect all my sec sch friends for JC, and i really really miss them so so muchh! D: mid years are in 2 weeks time and i haven started studying yet, i have lots to do yet i am just so unwilling.
i also just got my lappy a week ago as my birthday gift from my parents luhh! and i celebrated my birthday with my JC friends and ROCMOC friends! but i really rather celebrate it with my sec sch friends and my family D:
anyway its no time to regret now. for making this choice to come to a not so awesome JC and to suffer. i just hope i call pull through all these and not to lose my REAL SELF in the process. i really hope all my sec sch besties will not leave me too or else i will really really give up on doing all this SHIT. FOR SURE.
anyway, its been a very unhappy year so far for me and i hope things do not get worst.
P.S: i just finished my PI and i got my project work grouping already. i ho-pe life is NOT GOING TO GET TOUGHER.
P.P.S: i really wanna go back to my sec sch life, i really want to, like seriously. and i want to be able to talk to all my besties like there is no tomorrow, and to ramble all i want and that they will bring me and push me through all this SHIT. i REALLY MISS ALL OF YOU.
and you do not know how much i mean it. I REALLY REALLY NEED ALL OF YOU. DD:
*typing all this is making me cry again. everything is killing me. someone pull me out of this soon and put me back on track.
goodnight ppl, i will blog to ramble for sure cause this IS the ONLY way.
11:28 PM
Sunday, February 14, 2010
HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR EVERYONE! :D WE NOW INVITE THE TIGER! i hope this year will be a smooth year for me (:
4:20 PM
Saturday, February 6, 2010
picture time! (: hhah some photos from orientation!
Wynnie, Vivian, Nadiah, Shairah & i!

the spider web game (:

hahaha cross over without touching!

carrying Vivian!

my turn to be carried! someone said "Whoa you very ---" i couldn't hear the last word. i hope it is not the word 'heavy'

10-1S26! with the OGL!

Briefing after the game!

canteen during break!

SR Picnic! i tell you is damn ass hot! i got sunburn!
9:21 PM
heyllo peeps!
sorry i have not be blogging for such a long long time ): i have been extremely busy with school since school started luhh.
i started orientation on the 28th January 2010 luhh. i was posted to Serangoon JC luhh. went there with Xing Xuan in the morning luhh. then met Stephanie loh. then when into my orientation group which is O8 (Orion 8). at first everything was very awkward then stuff then after that it wasnt so bad anymore met firends like Wan Ling & Tanya & my 2 besties now, Jocelynn from Bowen & Vanessa from CHIJ St Joseph Convent!
hahahah then we 3 stick together forever luhh. even though we are in different classes now ):
in Orion 8, our OGL are like damn nice (: Johnathan Song, Jonathan Quek & Alisa!
they are super nice luhh. but Song was like damn irritating at first hahha but afetr that it was alright already.
have talks, Amazing race ( Hougang Stadium, Ponggol Park, Kovan Interchange & College), had college station games also, scavenger hunt, SR picnic.
not going to elaborate!
oh ya & our amazing college dance! (: hahaha i was better than expected & had loads of fun!
yup but on tuesday, we split into classes already luhh. i went into 10-1S26. while the rest in other classes luhh, so had to make friends again. then cause seperated into class go i went in to OG P8 (Pegasus 8) then my OGL was Jason, Elaine & Jeevitha. & Jason is from Hougang Sec too! but he didnt seem to recognize me & he couldnt remember my name throughout! ): until the last day then he remember (:
i wanna join rocmoc in SR sia. but i just had an argument with my dad yesterday & i dont think it is possible anymore. anyway i have enjoyed life in SR luhh. from next week onward is the start of lessons! (: & i am damn going to work hard!
i hope i can still join rocmoc! cause i just accepted yesterday.
college dance was damn fun cause Vanessa had to dance with Winston & i had to dance with Jocelynn. & i had to dance the guys part & i had to stand at the guys row with Winston (the VS guy) in front of me & he keeps stepping on my leggg! cause he cant dance! then Song just keep laughing like siaooo can!then he keeps calling me & jocelynn the LESBIAN couple can! then he keep laughing & making fun of me loh! (:
that was like the most fun luhh!
hahahahh. i want join ROCMOC. i hope.
i wont blog so often anymore! i mean for the time being.
yesterday for ROCMOC training, i ran around 5 km! & it was damn ass tiring but after running you feeel damn shiok!
9:36 AM
Monday, January 25, 2010
Wedding Invitation Card.
hello people! i have not been updating lately sia ): hahah cause i am LAZY. yes i am going to say i am LAZY. anyway, on the 23th January 2010 i went to 大姐's wedding! hahahah :D it is really nice! didnt take photo at all so too bad no photos to post! anyway, mummy & i stayed at home while daddy went to work for awhile till 9:50am like that then he come home! then we all got prepared and left home to the venue of the wedding lunch! on the way there, there was heavy traffic so we reach there late then we expected luhh. cause there will be a wedding solemnization so cant be late or else very rude.
so we traveled for quite awhile before reaching. the wedding lunch was held at The Verve @ 7 Lock Road Gillman Village. it is quite a small space luhh. and not much ppl were invited luhh, i mean compared to 三姐's wedding luhh. there were like slightly more then 100 ppl luhh. so not much. and the environment at the Bistro is very garden-ny and very soothing luhh. cause the Bistro is surrounded with mature luhh! oh ya, if you want to see the restaurant, click
so surprisingly, we were the very very FIRST ppl to reach the venue luhh. so 大姐 and her husband entertained us and show the place around! :D after that cause we were super early we walk around places near the restaurant, there were kindergarten, a damn damn nice outdoor furniture shop and other small restaurant and a dance studio too! cause the place is quite ulu so there were not much stuff nearby, after walking around for awhile, crowds of ppl started to come in :D blabla we gathered talk blablabla and then ppl talk about my results AGAIN. blablabla. had some finger food while adults have cocktail. my mum actually initiated me to take the cocktail. so i toook & drank 2 cups or so, and i started turning red AGAIN. anyway, the finger food was nice, it was like biscuit bread with like either mushroom paste or tomato paste on them. but the bad thing is that the stupid thing is like in weird sizes that cant completely fit into my mouth & worst of all its TOO HARD to just bite it like that ): but anyway the paste was really nice. after that the solemnization was held at 11:00am. the person in charge was Dr Cheng. she is uper nice so they "I Will" already exchange rings kiss and wooohoo! yay! they are husband and wife! hahhah then we had lunch buffet. case no one started, Wen Qi and i started first and within seconds, there was like a long long queue behind us! hhahahah. no one dares to start.
after that Wen Qi & i at outside. i mean at the outdoor tables, cause there were too many ppl inside anyway, 大姐 booked the entire restaurant! :D
so after eating chatchat blabla. left the place after eating blabla, went to somewhere near to change, went to orchard garden, went to buy cake homeeee! (:
super tired, i dropped dead at home!
was an awfully bad day all thanks to the maid. dont wanna elaborate further. 3 of us have to do stuff for her 1 person. shit her.
anyways daddy was super nice to follow me go pet shop see see! happy went to Serangoon North de PET WALK! saw a lot of cute animals! ahhh! daddy was also interested so i was really happy cause daddy is not an animal lover and always complains about the smell so i happy he accompanied me! hahaha!
2:57 PM