HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR EVERYONE! :D WE NOW INVITE THE TIGER! i hope this year will be a smooth year for me (:
4:20 PM
picture time! (: hhah some photos from orientation!
Wynnie, Vivian, Nadiah, Shairah & i!

the spider web game (:

hahaha cross over without touching!

carrying Vivian!

my turn to be carried! someone said "Whoa you very ---" i couldn't hear the last word. i hope it is not the word 'heavy'

10-1S26! with the OGL!

Briefing after the game!

canteen during break!

SR Picnic! i tell you is damn ass hot! i got sunburn!
9:21 PM
heyllo peeps!
sorry i have not be blogging for such a long long time ): i have been extremely busy with school since school started luhh.
i started orientation on the 28th January 2010 luhh. i was posted to Serangoon JC luhh. went there with Xing Xuan in the morning luhh. then met Stephanie loh. then when into my orientation group which is O8 (Orion 8). at first everything was very awkward then stuff then after that it wasnt so bad anymore met firends like Wan Ling & Tanya & my 2 besties now, Jocelynn from Bowen & Vanessa from CHIJ St Joseph Convent!
hahahah then we 3 stick together forever luhh. even though we are in different classes now ):
in Orion 8, our OGL are like damn nice (: Johnathan Song, Jonathan Quek & Alisa!
they are super nice luhh. but Song was like damn irritating at first hahha but afetr that it was alright already.
have talks, Amazing race ( Hougang Stadium, Ponggol Park, Kovan Interchange & College), had college station games also, scavenger hunt, SR picnic.
not going to elaborate!
oh ya & our amazing college dance! (: hahaha i was better than expected & had loads of fun!
yup but on tuesday, we split into classes already luhh. i went into 10-1S26. while the rest in other classes luhh, so had to make friends again. then cause seperated into class go i went in to OG P8 (Pegasus 8) then my OGL was Jason, Elaine & Jeevitha. & Jason is from Hougang Sec too! but he didnt seem to recognize me & he couldnt remember my name throughout! ): until the last day then he remember (:
i wanna join rocmoc in SR sia. but i just had an argument with my dad yesterday & i dont think it is possible anymore. anyway i have enjoyed life in SR luhh. from next week onward is the start of lessons! (: & i am damn going to work hard!
i hope i can still join rocmoc! cause i just accepted yesterday.
college dance was damn fun cause Vanessa had to dance with Winston & i had to dance with Jocelynn. & i had to dance the guys part & i had to stand at the guys row with Winston (the VS guy) in front of me & he keeps stepping on my leggg! cause he cant dance! then Song just keep laughing like siaooo can!then he keeps calling me & jocelynn the LESBIAN couple can! then he keep laughing & making fun of me loh! (:
that was like the most fun luhh!
hahahahh. i want join ROCMOC. i hope.
i wont blog so often anymore! i mean for the time being.
yesterday for ROCMOC training, i ran around 5 km! & it was damn ass tiring but after running you feeel damn shiok!
9:36 AM