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Friday, July 31, 2009
hey ppl!
today school ended early so i was back at home by 12:30pm. today we had Chemistry & Biology in the morning. OMG!~ i was like falling asleep loh! but i managed to kepp awake throughout. after that was recess but we all didnt go recess cause Vivien & i were chionging A maths trigonometry homework luhh. so yup. after recess was obviously A maths & it was also the last period! guess what? Mdm Ching never come!!!! hahahah even though we chiong like siao but nevermind! (: so we had a relief teacher loh. but we thought the re4lief teacher is for the POA students but then hoh its for the A maths students! hahahaha. so yup our relief teacher is a new teacher loh. he is teaching music. they kept bullying the teacher luhh. funny funny funny. so yup after that i waited for Vivien as Leticia wanted to go to the locker. cause Vivien say she going to take 112 with me mahh. so after that went to bus stop. today bus stop exceptionally a lot of ppl loh. Siti & Yuanling was also there loh. it was somehow super crowded loh! hahahah. after i reach home, i cooked Kway Teow soup to eat after that slacked awhile then after that sleep. then woke up do some work then in the evening, helped daddy cook. whoa i tell you the whole kitchen was like chaotic can! cause the maid dunno what to do then i have to like do plenty of things && my dad kept rushing me cause i was already running late for piano lessons!

okay i love this song. its not a modern song or something. but i love this genre of songs. Peter Cincotti - Cinderella Beautiful. it is by the pianist/singer Peter Cincotti he is quite famous. so listen to it! its really nice! i heard it on radio one day.

so yup daddy fetch me to piano lessons & now i m backkkk! (:
just finish watching forensic. going to slack awhile before sleeping! (:

10:08 PM

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
hi everyone! i just came back from school. you will be wondering y m i so late right?
yupyup cause after school we had extra period then after that we had A Maths remedial! (: cause Mdm Zuraida didnt come so for the A Maths students we had 1 hour of break during the second break.
ate with Janus, Doreen, Xing Xuan, Vivien & Leticia. after that went to find Mrs Tey for something then after, we went to the MAC room for the remedial. but then Mrs Teo was inside the MAC room having lesson so er. we had to move to the nearest classroom which is 3A1 classroom. had lesson there for 1/2 hour then after that moved back to the cooling MAC room! (: whoa it is so much more cooling there can! (: okay so we ended lesson at around 16:30pm cause the rest wanted to go home. chatted with Mdm Ching awhile and we left too! actually i wanted to go study with Xing Xuan and Baby de but then cause today my new maid come and the house is kinda chaotic to i had to go home early and then cannot stay for too long. eventually, i went straight home after the lesson ended. walked with Vivien & Leticia to my usual bus stop that i take 112 home. waited for the bus while Vivien & Leticia waited for 72 to go to Hougang Mall.
reach home slacked awhile. help/teach the new maid then finally i got to get my rest! (:

oh ya this morning my old maid (Putri Katriyanti) *the second name should be spelled like that i guess. :x leave Singapore to go back to Indonesia already cause the 2 year contract ended already. her plane was at 12:00pm so she had to leave home at 10:30am. mummy fetch her to the airport. i couldnt send here off cause was obviously in school! (: so yup this morning help her do some last minute packing & then she walked me to the bus stop where i take 112 to school. after that she was like "i will miss you *blow air kiss*" then she walked back home luhh. whoa lao make me o emotional loh. especially in the bus i was like tearing. this maid is not really that close with me but then she idolize and talk to me quite alot. even though she is a blur sotong, like seriously blur & i scold her alot, but its been 2 years where is lived with me loh. so yup.
anyway i hope she will go other place to work some other day. and she will earn enough money for her family. lastly, i wish her all the best in the future and hope she will achieve what she wants one day. last lastly, i hope she will get married soon and form her own family.

i took pictures with her this morning before i left home for school.

Putri & i

& again.

its kinda sad. but as mummy say, people come and go & we just have to accept it, there's nothing we can do about it.

5:38 PM

Monday, July 27, 2009
"i m going to buck up now! i will have to practice my piano & study harder! i will not slack le! i promise!"

P.S: yesterday i watched wild bunnies! OMG it was darn darn funny i kept laughing non stop! OMG hahahahah! i cant wait for the next episode! (:
oh ya and i hope the next family outing episode will hurry come out! i wanna watch! (:

8:47 PM

firstly i m going to wish LIM XING XUAN,

generally,today was quite okay. other then reaction ppl give me about my hair! ahhahaha.
this morning went to canteen. all their reaction was like OVERBOARD. so yup then went back to class i kept looking at the wall cause i didnt want ppl to see my screwed fringe so ya. but end up also every one see. wats the diff! ): hahahhah. oh ya before recess we were all trying like shitt to help Xing Xuan's rabbit sensor to work that blooody thing! i pluck the body out && Baby pluck the plastic out for it to work! hahahahah. after that had lesson as per normal then during PC it was quite fun. Mrs Tey talked about forgiveness then er for Geography, the Mrs Tan never come so we had free period. so we loiter outside the class camwhore and then i woke Xing Xuan up to camwhore with us since it was her birthday! (: hahaha after that walked home with Xing Xuan! (: hhaahahah back home. eat & sleep. i m freaking running a fever i tell you! ): damn damn damn.
oh ya we all gave Xing Xuan her birthday present already which is a humongous pig, her birthday card && 2 pair of earrings! (:

using Xing Xuan phone! perfect angle but... i look weird. see how my hair is screwed! ):

with my phone! nice? can see that Xing Xuan just woke up. :X

again! this is the nicest one luhh.

this is the nicest photo i can get of myself after i cut my hair! (: but it isnt that nice too.

hahahha the rest camwhore like siao but i insisted not to appear in any photo unless with Xing Xuan cause i wanna blog! hahhaha (: BAD HAIR DAY!

6:12 PM

Sunday, July 26, 2009
hello ppl!
let me just blog a little!
today, went to NAFA as usual. continued to do the still life drawing. i was aiming to finish everything by today but unfortunately cant ):
so i still left abit && the touch up to do! hahahh today in art class i was like crapping with so much with Simin & laughing with no reason. damn funny! & she kept calling me mushroom cause of my hair! (: after that mummy came & fetch me home. at home we ate macaroni & slack awhile before going for chemistry tuition. had fun in chemistry tuition. but everyone was like really sleepy. & Jarrod kept saying that it is the "afternoon coma". hahahah then now then i realise Jarrod is like another cheap-skate person! before tuition he went to IKEA mahh. then cause there having sales so he bought lights that were originally $25.90 but eventually discount until $2.90. & he bought them! like wat the luhh. so i kept telling him that he tio scam liao. cause like where got lamp so cheap! (: so he was like "dont anyhow say luhh i open for you to see!" so he opened the box & i was like wth! it was like this HOT PINK star that is covered with many LEDS like wat the... hahahah then i was like "er. where are you going to put that?" & he was like "oh i am going to decorate my hostel luhh! *demonstrates it on the tuition wall*" so i was like "oh okayyy..." so
Zhi Ying & Cheryl started laughing! (: darn funny!

okay lets continue about yesterday! so, daddy fetch me to Ang Mo Kio MRT then after that i MRTed down to meet mummy. was kinda late. after that rushed to the hairdresser. cut hair. after that wen to the food hall to buy daddy's bread then we walked to ION Orchard to see see especially the food hall there! OMG so many ppl so very very squeezy! after that took MRT back home. daddy fetch us at Ang Mo Kio MRT. then went home eat dinner. (:

my hair is kinda screwed. like seriously. i swear i m not going to take bus tomorrow! ):
my hair apparently SHOULD look like Seo In Young's hair. but it looks like Jae Jin's new hair in the new album. ):

left: Seo In Young's hair
right: the guy in the middle, Jae Jin's hair.
OMG can you like see how screwed my hair is! ):

oh my god this time is worst then the other time. i look like those magazine cover models with short hair. my god. it just look WRONG on me!
we were suppose to camwhore in NAFA today but cause my hair is kinda screwed, i didnt want to camwhore! ): sians. tomorrow still got school.

now here's the clearer picture of my hair. my hair looks like Song Hye Kyo's hair which is the middle lady. OMG!
my hair is exactly the same as her hair! comfirm. but the front not so thick!

6:09 PM

Saturday, July 25, 2009
okay i m back again. i realise i dont blog as often as last time le ):
hahahah to busy le luhh. (:
okay i shall blog from thursday onwards. (:

after school, we had music elective mock test. then after that we did the 'O' levels course work. after that we went home. (:
cause on thursday Mr Cher & Mrs Tham was not free to teach us so end up all the lesson Ms Foo took over! (:
hahahah so lesson ended slightly earlier! (:

friday lesson ended at 12pm then after that followed Mdm Ching down to HOD room to get our A Maths work sheet! (: during biology lesson we had he final SPA assessment which is skill 3. overall i think it was okay for me! i chiong like siao can! hahahah. then after that took 72 to hougang mall with Doreen & Janus. i went to walk walk. saw Kai Qi & her sister & her mother but they all didnt see me. after that i bought XXL Chicken from ShiLin Street Food. then went home. at the bus interchange while waiting for 132 i saw Baby with Esther at the opposite bus inter change then after seeing each other cause we were so far from each other, she called me luhh. hahahah then after waiting for eh freaking bus for 20 minutes, i finally reach home. ate seaweed porridge then after that went to rest cause i was having a terrible headache. after that in the evening, i went for piano lessons. now all the piano stuff settled le! (: after that i went to kovan heartland mall for my dental appointment! (: oh my so fast! my braces one year anniversary is here already! thats y i change my braces to the lime green that i first put when i started putting braces!! hahahaha.
after that i came home and watch forensic and enjoy supper at the same time! (:
after that do my tuition homework till like 23:30pm plus plus luhh.

in the morning went for A maths tuition. cause mummy overslept so yup i was late for tuition. i think my mum is like 100% workaholic she work until she think that today is Sunday & think that my dad & i siao dunno wake up so early for what. aiyo when she is the one that over slept loh! (: hahhhahahaha.

eh eh i later going to cut hair! so sudden! cause my mummy just called me say that today the hairdresser got work so.. YESYESYESYES! i m going to cut my hair! OMG the long fringe is like killing me luhh. so i m gonna cut! (: yay! (:

oh ya one more thing! (: 2PM is going to be featured in a new variety! WILD BUNNIES! (: ahhhhh. i cant wait! (:

1:16 PM

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
oh ya i have 2 albums to recommend! && also recommended by Kewalee, fan mate! must go listen! (:

Ft Island Cross & Change! (Marry Me & I hope is nice!) the whole album!

FT Island I Hope & Marry Me @ 19.07.2009 Inkigayo

2NE1 I Dont Care (everything in there is nice!)

I Dont Care & Pretty Boy @ 09.07.2009 Music Bank

8:47 PM

hello peeps! first, wishing everyone HAPPY RACIAL HARMONY DAY!

this year was kinda pathetic. it is the last year in the school for the sec 4s & 5s but yet cause of the H1N1 virus, there isnt a concert to celebrate Racial Harmony Day. & there isnt games stalls for us to participate in ): no food stalls of different culture to enjoy. so sad luhh. && worst of all we had to stay in class all day. to study ):

anyways RACIAL HARMONY DAY was yesterday. nobody in our class wore any ethnic costume can ): sad. but can consider our class as 'united'? cause we all wear school uniform? (:
hahahah. okay lets talk about today.
today we had english lesson that was really funny. cause Mrs Tey was like commenting about the report we wrote for mock exam. then she said stuff that perk us up. cause we kept laughing non stop. lesson ended really quickly! (:
after that, we had PE lesson where we learn the simple steps of line dancing. it was so much better then last week's lesson! last week's lesson was like crap can! (: after recess we had physics. did the glass block experiment (refraction). after that we had Chinese Listening Comprehension! it was overall okay luhh. but the i think i got 2 wrong answers already ): sians. before listening comp, went to biology lab to get our SPA files and the skill 3 model answers! (: hahahah.
after listening comp ended, went to hougang point to buy food and then walk home with Xing Xuan. (:

today is the day with Solar Eclipse at 8am but i thought it was 8 pm ): anyways Singapore could only see 10% of it but unfortunately this morning it kept raining nonstop so we totally cant see it. ):
saddening. its like a once in a life time thing! (:

6:56 PM

Monday, July 20, 2009
hi. i just gonna random post stuff cause i kinda not in the mood now. today was generally okay but everyone was in the 'dying' mood so damn sian. i was also i the 'dying' mood cause of my flu. i wasnt feeling that well luhh. anyways after school walked with Xing Xuan to bus stop then took bus home. reached home slacked and did some stuff. now i m off to watch television & rest abit more. i m SICK!
oh my, such a bad time to be sick.

i m so not in the mood.

7:51 PM

Sunday, July 19, 2009
SHINee's photoshoot for Vogue Girl!

Jong Hyun.

Min Ho & Tae Min!

Jong Hyun & Min Ho!
Onew, Tae Min & Key!

Tae Min!! (:

8:07 PM

the still life that i was drawing during art lesson. i will show you my finished work next week.

heyllo. today had art lesson at NAFA. today draw still life and then teacher made a very very big still life but no need to draw all just draw to part that we want to. so i cropped the part above to draw! (: hahahah i will take photo of my finished work next week cause i finish drawing le but haven finish shading (:
sians. i feel kinda sick again. after art i was like sneezing non stop luhh. damn it.
oh ya now then i realise that i never take alot of photos in art class ): so i decided that next week we should take more! (: hahahah good idea right? hahhaah.
art ppl you better wear nice nice & prepare for it! jkjk! (:
oh ya after piano lesson yesterday . went to daddy's workplace to get stuff & went out to eat after that! (:
damn nice the food! after that went home and sleep! (:


6:17 PM

Saturday, July 18, 2009
stressed. too many things not going where it is suppose to go.

hello ppl! its been a long time since i blogged! sorry luhh cause i have alot of homework to do luhh then everyday i must burn midnight oil sia! and if i dont do finish the homework the next day will have more and more homework! ): so stress luhh this whole week! ): damn it loh.
anyways i will briefly blog about every thing. (:
er lets see from wednesday?

i woke up and the sky was like totally dark as if it was at night! OMG! then when i was about to leave the house suddenly all the street lights when "poof!" and all the light were off! i thought it was lightning so i ran back to my house. then i ask my maid what was that, she was like "all the light off" then i look at the lights and i was like "whoa lao eh scare me sia" so i walked to the bus stop and smsed Xing Xuan to meet me. so yup i told her to meet at the school's bus stop.
ya but apparently we had some communication break down so ya. we kinda walked in circles and looking for each other when we are actually opposite each other at the first place. hahhahah it was darn retarded. so we were late when we reached school at about 07:50am then we reach school! yup so after Xing Xuan found me, she sheltered me to the void deck where here mother was waiting for her. (: after that we shared a small umbrella and walked to school. thank you aunty (Xing Xuan's mother) for lending w me your BIGBIG umbrella!
oh ya when i was waiting for Xing Xuan to come fetch me, there was this aunty that offered to lend me the umbrella and told me that i could return to her daughter once i m done with it! she is so nice. but i rejected her offer cause i dunno who is her daughter and cause Xing Xuan was on her way to fetch me! (: hahahha but thanks anyway, aunty! (:

er after school went for MEP then do course work then have western music lesson. after that something bad happen to my course work luhh. so apparently i kinda of behind time with the course work ): i m am freaking stressed about it ): sians the amount of stress can really make me die lei. ):
stress stress stress.

i had normal lesson as usual then during the 3rd period we had to execute the biology SPA skill 3 that we have been doing as a practice. so this time i do together with Baby. first time i do practical with her ONLY sia! (: hahahha had a lot of fun. everything went well no mistakes. but i was abit hectic at the start but after awhile okay already. sorry but i didnt take photo cause i was to obsessed with doing the experiment already! (: hahahaha so we had to handle the chicken liver again ):
this time was like worst then the other time. cause i think the chicken put long outside already so all the chicken liver had this very very weird smell to it. ):
so i did all the cutting (like a surgeon) and the washing (like a butcher) for the experiment ):
by the end of the lesson. no matter how many times a sterilize my hand the chicken liver smell was still there ): so during recess i didnt even have the mood to eat. cause the chicken liver smell kept lingering around me! its like as if i am a butcher and have been cutting meat since morning or so loh! ): after that went home. and slacked & do homework!

went for tuition in the morning. after that went home myself then went for tuition in the afternoon then after that went for piano lessons. cause i went to try out for new piano teacher. so er i went there to try out loh. she is a very er...
dunno luhh. just not used to her teaching style loh. see how luhh. ):
currently too many things not going to where it should be. so kinda frustrated about the whole thing ):

10:52 AM

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
heello! long time since i blog already luhh. now a days i keep oversleeping sia dunno y leh. cause i keep sleeping late to do homework mah then morning cant wake up. then last night i try to sleep my normal time at 22:30pm but this morning i was still late! OMG! i think the bio clock in my body spoilt liao luhh. ): anyway this few days nothing much to blog about luhh. sians. i today i abit not feeling well sia. had running nose luhh, headache and abit feverish luhh. i dont feel like going to school tomorrow sia ): damn it. i really very tired loh. but if i dont go school tomorrow, i will miss alot of stuff loh! like chemistry & physics! sians so see how loh (: hahahaha after this i still got tuition && still have to finish the chemistry work sheet. damn it. have too much things to do luhh ):

now a days when i post no picture! sorry! (:
hahahahah try to post again soon! (:

4:21 PM

Saturday, July 11, 2009
hello! its been awhile since i blogged! sorry luhh kinda not in the mood this few days ): er cause i have been slacking and all, my homework are piling up like nobody's business & i m still in front of the computer slacking. i also dunno whats my problem luhh. ): darn it. at this rate my results are going to suffer and i will regret later on. so yup i decided and planned. i will become a night animal from now on. (: i think studying at night/evening is better for me. so yup i can do whatever i want in the afternoon but i have to study at night. or else i m so gonna flunk everything and regret for life. i have regretted for PSLE & i m so not going to regret for o levels! i swear! so yup i will be doing my tuition homework plus all the rest of the school work by today and tomorrow! (:
cause today i completely do not have tuition for the first time on sat & i dont have science tuition tomorrow, so i have more time to do the stuff that i need to complete!

Things To Do :
- do A maths test papers (tuition)
- do E maths test papers (tuition)
- finish chemistry work sheets the recent one & the overdue ones (school)
- finish biology skill 3 draft (school)
- geography summary notes
- physics SA paper
- social studies source base questions

OMG so many things to do! die liao! shitt sia.

okay i just briefly blog about this 2 days.
yesterday went out with Janus & Doreen. went to eat & then to popular to buy stuff. but counldnt find what we wanted so end up didnt buy. ate mos Burger for lunch. i ate Unagi Rice Burger again. after that went home.

after school went for music elective. cause school ended at 14:00pm so got time to eat at st nicks. so yup ate already then er went for lesson. actually have test de but postponed cause Mrs Tham was not there. Mr Cher took over the whole lesson. had music writing coursework. then Mr Cher told us to fill in important forms. he say fill in wrong must pay $1. so everyone was very scared to write wrong. but still got ppl write wrong & that includes me. but luckily i write wrong one no need pay $1 (: after 30 minutes of coursework went out to eat dinner. then went home while daddy & mummy went back to office. oh ya for recess cause we queued up for Yong Tau Foo which queue was like super long but yet we queued and end up getting out food only at 11:00am which was like the end of recess. late for geography lesson fore nearly 15 min or more. luckily never kenna scolded. yup. && in music elec was very funny cause Cher kept coming out lame jokes like you must write on your paper (J.O Nathan) damn him luhh. then we all laugh luhh. then he was like "why you all look so serious? must be CHER-ful" yup mr cher name is MR JONATHAN CHER. so he keep making lame jokes with his name. then James was like "whoa damn cold sia, damn cold" ( cold joke, 冷笑话 ) but then Mr Cher thought that James was like literally cold & just nice James was like sitting under the aircon so Mr Cher was like "you go hug Nicholas luhh then not cold already! (walks towards James to off the aircon)" then we were like laughing then he finally understand what we meant! (: funny class!
i m off to do my work liao.
byebye (:

3:32 PM

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
HELLO! i m back from tuition! hahhaah. i will just briefly blog about today cause i m kinda overly tired now so ya. i dont wanna type much! (: okay. last night Sooern smsed me to tell me that she was not feeling well. so yup. Sooern if you are reading this, REST WELL! RECOVER SOON! hahahah && GOOD LUCK for your oral tomorrow! (: yup so today i took my own sweet time to go to school. left home at about 07:05am plus plus waited for the bus for like 10 minutes & then head off to school. had lesson as per normal but the whole class was filled with this "sian" mood. so i was kinda not in the mood too. after english we had PE. now a days i seriously do not appreciate having PE i rather study. cause PE is no fun now & its kinda boring & torturous! ): especially when my stamina is like nearly zero! sian. who ask me so long already still never go swimming ): cause of my tight schedule everyday, then cant go loh. i missed those super long & torturous training by my coach loh ): hahahah anyway at 12:30pm some of our class peeps left for Chinese oral so the class was like rather empty loh.
after school ended today, i went home to eat lunch & use the computer for awhile before leaving the house for tuition. i left the house at 16:15pm cause tuition started at 17:00pm. reach tuition center really quickly today! 15 minutes reach already! hahahah after that waited for that stupid Zhi Ying to come. & somemore he late he still sms crap to the teacher! (: retarded!
so we had lesson loh. go through papers which was really hard that squeezed out all my brain juice by the end of the lesson. oh ya today Ms Seow & Cui Shan had lesoon in the other class rooms so it was really noisy cause the tuition center was overloaded with students! after tuition end, Ms Seow gave us the papers that she printed for Zhi Ying & i to share!
hahah this was the part when things started to get a little chaotic. cause the papers she gives us were not properly put together so i ask Zhi Ying to help staple them in sets. but the idiot dont wanna listen that made me argue & shout at him. i was on near end to losing my temper & yet he still like that. Jarrod was like "eh you just staple only what. just do la. you better stop it. yihui looks like she is gonna explode anytime!" ya i think i was really gonna lose my temper already. after Jarrod said that he guai guai go do but keep arguing with me! so i was still irritated luhh. after that we were so bloody irritated by each other, Zhi Ying was like "if you were my sister i would have whack you by now." (& he gave that irritated face) so i said "if you are my brother you wouldnt be here now, you will already be in hell." & he was like "OMG. OMG." (he was like totally pissed till you could see smoke coming out of his head! jkjk) hahaha then i was like shouting at the top of my voice. Jarrod was like totally trying to make Zhi Ying from pissing me off & make me calm down. but after awhile, he left. then after, we argued & argued & he kept talking crap then lalalalala. then after both of our fathers called us to say they reach tuition center to fetch us already. after that i walked quickly then suddenly, i started running! i was like screaming! "you are so going to get it! i telling your dad that you bully me! you confirm die!" so he was like scared out of his wits so he ran after me! he was like "maybe or fathers are already outside talking to each other! you know they best friend mahh so y you walk so fast you must give them time to walk!" he was just trying to be nice. after that i ran to my dad & greeted & bowed at uncle (Zhi Ying's dad) so i pretended that i was going to tell his dad something then i suddenly ran and boarded the car! hahahah darn funny. i think he was scared out of his wits! (: stupid guy. i cant believe how i spend my childhood with him luhh. so when i went home i complain to my dad. TEO ZHI YING is so gonna get it!


tomorrow i still have music elec. i m dragging to go music elec. i am darn tired now! off to have a really good rest! byebye! i should be blogging on friday again! no time tomorrow! (:

7:46 PM

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
now i m gonna blog about today! today i was nearly late for school i walked to school at my top speed & met Xing Xuan on the way. met Sooern in the bus stop. after that walked to school. this time we walked side gate cause it was opened! then er lessons as usual but today Mr Foong & Mrs Lai came to our class to present us the Best Manged Class award thing! we finally won can! so happy! but after that the class was really noisy for the whole day and most of the teachers cannot take it luhh! hahaha after school, those who have Oral left class at 12:30pm to eat then at 13:45pm we had to gather at 1T1 class room to take temperature. during the break, Xing Xuan went home while Janus, Doreen, Leticia & i went to the alpha centre to revise loh. after that Xing Xuan met up with us then we all went to 1T1 class room. we go there had a short briefing then take temperature. the teacher's thermometer was spoilt but he didnt know cause most of the ppl he took had "fever"! so funny luhh. after that we proceeded to the hall. sat according to the station & position. not long after oral officially started! our station ppl talked alot & crap alot too! but time passed really slowly! all of us were really tired & sleepy luhh. then after crapping for so long, soon enough it was my turn already! yup read the passage for 5 minutes then after that is mine turn liao! hahahahaha. talked loh. the conversation was about plastic surgery. but i was quite nervous so i stumbled at certain places! OMG luhh! after that met Xing Xuan, Baby, Charmaine & Janus outside, after chatting awhile then Xing Xuan & i went to point cause i wanted to buy stuff. yup shopped & bought the stuff i wanted then walked home. cause my maid was in mt dad's office, so i forgot to bring the house key & therefore i had to go to my nanny house for awhile luhh. so stayed there for awhile & pei my nanny then afterward daddy came to fetch me home& now he went out with mummy. i dunno what time they will be back! anyways i cancelled tuition cause i m very sian & tired now! && i have alot of school homework to catch up so i have to do then tonight! (:


6:58 PM

okayyy long time since i updated about all the kpop stuff & every thing. hahahah sorry luhh. recently abit to busy to upload about all this stuffs! (:
okay here goes! (:

firstly, MC Mong! my favourite rapper will be preparing for a comeback with his new album! it will be outt on the 23th of july! && i cant wait for it!!! love him too much!

secondly, Brown Eyed Girls! finally they are having their comeback! && their teaser has been just out recently! (: Narsha’s teaser, Ga-in’s teaser are already out! & the full track will be out on the 13th of july! (: hahahaha! yay me again!

Brown Eyed Girls!

next, T-ara faces are finally revealed luhh. dont worry they are not blondes! its just their concept! (: yupyup. but i think they all look like the same person (?) er dont you think so?


next, my all time darling Lee Jun ki is back with his new MV Soliloquy 이준기
erm the track isnt that nice but the MV is nice! so go watch it!

the MV of 이준기

next, my dearest Big Bang leader, G Dragon will be releasing his solo album! (*like finally) on his birthday the 18th of august! yay! finally like a full freaking album! oh ya not only that, Tae Yang & Dae sung will release their solo album soon enough too! but this time, Dae Sung will not be singing trot songs anymore! sad i kinda like him when he sings trot songs! (: other then this, our dearest group has released their latest japan album Gara Gara Go! hahaha the album shows their prominent style as usual but this time the japan version! oh ya for the MV, fortunately, Dae Sung has lots of screen time as he sings many parts this time! && T.o.P's solo scene is what you should watch out for! G dragon's hair styles keep changing in the MV.
another thing!
"Korea’s FPS game, Sudden Attack, is undergoing a huge update this coming July 21st and also releasing Big Bang characters for the game. So between July 21st and 22nd, Sudden Attack will be taking reservations for the “Big Bang 5 character set”, which also earns the buyers special “Big Bang” weapons as well as other features and advantages."
hahahaha too much good stuff happening to our dear-ry! (: lovelove!

Big Bang cover!

watch it here! BIGBANG - ガラガラ GO!

lastly, SNSD (Girls' Generation) has been facing lots of problems lately. first with the similar photoshoot as the World War 2 Nazi thingy so they had to have another photoshoot, this time an individual photoshoot for the girls. then after that the plagiarized MV of Genie! it seems that the Genie MV has alot of similarities with a Uzbekistan singer by the name of Dineyra with the track Raqsga tushgin. yup. so its kinda problematic for the girls now but SM entertainment is like trying their best to resolve it!

yupyup & then here's the MV that Super Junior's Choi Si Won & Dong Hae were invited to do with Ariel Lin!

last lastly, Kim Bum & Kim So Eun are a Campus Couple! OMG its like a dream come true! (: apparently, nitizens found out that both of them have the same couple ring on! (: hahahah last long long! (:

Kim Bum & Kim So Eun!

5:47 PM

Monday, July 6, 2009
hello everyone! today is youth day holiday! wooohooo! so i m at home now! yupyup so i m enjoying a long long weekend! :D hahahah yesterday's weather was darn nice luhh. hahahaha. finally it was raining luhh. so the weather was really cooling & guess what did my dad cook for dinner? he cooked Roasted Stuffed Chicken The Christmas Kind! OMG i am awaiting Christmas to come luhh. dunno y too. but for your information i am not christian okay. but that doesnt mean i have to be christian to like Christmas right? reason i like Christmas cause it is during winter & i love the atmosphere during Christmas! (: hahahaha. thats y i loveee lovee it. but i hardly spend Christmas here luhh. (: hahahaha. the Chicken totally delicious loh. and suddenly with the cooling weather being so cooling, completely like Christmas loh! (: hahahah anyways yesterday went for NAFA in the morning then in the afternoon after lunch, i went for science (chemistry) tuition! NAFA was really fun cause 1 month never see them so have alot of fun. eventually at NAFA we had to draw insects luhh. sians. but quite okay luhh. but i draw until very ugly cause i think too long never draw already luhh.

hahahah later i will be going for tuition 'day camp' AGAIN. hahaha y? cause Jarrod cannot make it next Sunday for tuition so he wants to change it to the weekdays. since today i will be going for extra Chinese tuition mahh. so 3 of us decided to put it today loh. then after Science tuition we go eat dinner then come back for chinese tuition till at night loh! (:

oh ya i recently went to find pen pals! and i found like alot! OMG! i m so happy! hahahaha! blog later if i am free! (:

i HAVE to stop SLACKING!

1:18 PM

Saturday, July 4, 2009
sorry i didnt continue to blog on friday. cause i was tired after watching shows online for the whole day! (: hahahah the home based learning was like such a cheat! i thought we were suppose to go online to do & pass up online. but then its just go print online then do the hard copy then pass up to teacher loh! waste my time. if i knew it was like that i wouldnt have wake up so early ): hahahha after printing the work, i watch shows & at night i did the tuition homework for the next day. (:
okay, the thingy on thurs. we were suppose to have MEP. but suddenly Mrs Tham said she had meeting so her part of the lesson will be postpone. still got Mr Cher. called Mr Cher. He was on MC. & he then decided to call Mrs Tham for a solution. end up. we had lesson with Mrs Tham for the whole 3.5 hours. OMG! can you imagine it? i was like anticipating to go home luhh! ): idiot. all thanks to the guys who called Mr Cher.
okay anyway about today. i went for tuiton in the morning and afternoon. had alot of fun in Chinese tuition! hahahah love tuition friends! oh ya i forgot! my chinese oral date is out already. mine is on the 07.07.009. i was hoping that mine will be later but never loh. ): nevermind!
tomorrow have science tuition & art class!

10:01 PM

Thursday, July 2, 2009
hey ppl! back from a tired day! i m super tired now! really really tired. i m unning a temperature now. not feeling that well. today went for MEP with Kai Qi.waited for her after school cause she got health check. i also had my health check today but it was before recess. the nurse was strict but in a cute way so i was like laughing lots. missed A Maths lesson & Mdm Ching was kinda playfully upset! (: hahahah anyway after i met up with Kai Qi, went to AMK hub together to eat. at first i was kinda full after recess so i decided not to eat & she wanted to eat Subway but unfortunately Subway was flooded with ppl & there were no available seats for us so we decided to find somewhere else to go eat. so we end up at Mos Burger! at first Mos Burger also no space de. but then when we were about to leave Mos Burger a couple came out so we have seats! & cause of that, i decided to eat too! cause i have always been dying to try Mos Burger! so i ordered the Unagi Rice Burger! OMG! i tell you its damn nice! i like it! i wanna eat it again! hahahha after that we went to walk walk awhile then after that we went to NTUC Fairprice to but sweets then we took 265 too St Nicks! we alighted at the front gate but we walked to the back gate cause we wanted to play safe & to take temperature. ya and guess what? i thought i was just tired but unfortunately my temperature was high & i nearly couldnt enter the school! OMG! sians so i m running a fever now ):
i will post more details on today, tomorrow! (: cause the dizzy spell has struck me again.

oh ya, tomorrow no need go school! its home based learning. (E-Learning) hahahaha. good man! i can finally slack! (:
byebye all! i really need a break!

9:05 PM

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
hahahahah i m here to blog again. okay this photo is kind of weird! my face seems bloated! :X hahahaha anyways i forgot to say something!
my dear 2 month old MP3 has 101 song already!
hahahah so today is the 101 song anniversary! hahahha i know its kinda lame but i just wanna blog it anyway! (: hahahah my HOT HOT PINK mp3 is being totured by me everyday cause i keep listening to it! i will add more songs! (:
oh ya today's PE sucks hell alot ): i dont think i will be looking forward or enjoying PE already! ):
tomorrow got health check & music elec after school!
byebye i got to sleep already! darn tired! i m lacking of sleep cause of late nights! :X
good night!

9:49 PM

hello ppl. its time to blog again after i neglected it for a period of time.
i have decided to but my blog back to the "public status" already. cause i have already had a good thought about already. those who copy are really childish & immature so ya. y must i care about them. i m not going to make my blog private cause of them. my blog needs and wants all the popularity it can get. so i m over with this. (:

back to my daily life. er school has been opened for the third day already! hahahah going back to school feels so good! (: anyways i talk about this few days briefly luhh! (: er monday it was the first day of school luhh. then the school was kinda chaotic cause of the H1N1 virus. instead of going into the school through the front gate, we had to walk all the way to the field gate & pass by several "stations" before entering only certain compounds of the school. yup but the most weird thing was the teachers were wearing protective coat as if we were contaminated. you know the kind that you see the nurses wear during the SARS period? it was kinda annoying luhh. anyway cause the canteen will not be opening for this whole week, we were suppose to order food then pay up then food will be sent to our classes. yupyup. i think it was kinda more convenient cause you know, we do not need to queue or wait for food! (: it saves all the trouble! (:
hahahha then monday i went with the peeps to eat pasta mania. er the food there is not really nice. especially with the price like that. er i ordered the pasta & soup luhh. generally i feel that cafe cartel's food are nicer & much more affordable! hahahah. but at least i get to try the food in pasta mania. yesterday came home & watch show! i was watching 惡魔在身邊 (Devil Beside You) a taiwan drama. yesterday i started & not i watch finish le. you will be wondering y i suddenly watch this old show right? hahaha cause the character of Mike He in the show is the ideal guy that i like! like OMG right?! it was like nearly the same as the ideal character for my future partner luhh! i was so surprised myself that's y i started watching! (: the show is really nice & sweet you should really watch it! hahaha && i like the theme song luhh! (: anyway the character pleases me alot. like ALOT! hahahah. this is so so coincidental! i love Mike He is is quite good looking. they say that he kisses very well. but i think Joe Cheng is a better on screen kisser! (: hahahaha. i hope to watch 换换爱 (Why Why love)! thats all i m going to blog! blog soon! (:

ENJOY the video.

the theme song 臭男人 by 黃義達! hahaha made with parts of the show! must go watchh! (:

5:46 PM

waiting for the next winter.


i m YIHUI 임의혜 (pronouce as :Im Ui-hye), i have a very chaotic brain! (: i am studying in Hougang Secondary School Serangoon Junior College. i may not be nice to you at first but you'll see (: when i m crazy you will be crazy WITH me! so enjoy my madness! i m a superr big fan of korean stuff like their dramas, songs & movies! 30.04.1993 is the day and is currently 17 and a percussionist in Hs wind Symphony! (: Climber in SRJC ROCMOC. i will forever remember and love Hs Percussionist '06!♥

oh ya i forgot! i m a swimmer and swimming is totally my life! if i dont swim i will die. and i mean it!♥

lastly, i love the winter truckloads and i miss it alot!♥

last lastly, i lovee food! nothing but food!♥

even though i am not in HS and not in band anymore, i feel that i am still there, and i will NEVER forget what i enjoyed there NEVER EVER. i appreciated how much i live my life there, more then how i life now. I LONGED TO GO BACK SO MUCH.

어이! 이건 내 블로그입니다!
당신이 날 사랑하면 날 알지!
나를 알고 있고 당신이 날 사랑한다 (:
환호! 환호!

Free Hit Counter



too much more to mention! i will update when i remember :X hahaha! i m also a big fan of korean rappers!

health for all my love ones
must get good results
dont fail any of my subjects
dont let parents down anymore
study hard and go to a good JC
survive JC life
get into NUS (Law or Medicine)
survive the JC orientation ALONE
go korea
go korea again!!
go Busan and Daegu, South korea!!!!
free and easy trip to korea (:
shopping trip in dongdaemun (:
go back to mt sorak (:
go back to jeju island :D
go back to yongpyong for skiing ((:
learn advance korean language *definately doing it after Os :D
speak korean fluently :DD
read and write Hangul :D
go to thailand again!
go overseas trip with friends!! (:
go to thailand trip with the band


18 VS 29 (DRAMA)