hello its i long long time since i blogged. eh lots of thing to blog about though (: lets see...
PHOTO TAKING (((((:during mdm chua class she brought her camera to class so that we could take photo with Gong Yi and give him as a farewell present! Mdm Chua is so niceee so we took lots of photo and had lots of fun!!! i went for music elective after sch as usual and we got back our Mid Year paper ): i failed it i freaking failed it again )): sians la. anyway in the morning i scolded by Mrs Serene Tay cause i didnt inform her about the mistake in the 'O' levels conformation slip. Sorry Mrs Tay!
SPORTS DAY & FAREWELL PARTY!!!!friday was like freaking busy cause we ended sch at about 12:10pm then actually we are suppose to go home and change but at night we had the farewell party for Gong Yi so we had to prepare! so the Shopping Team consisting of Janus, Vivien, Jackson, Xing Xuan, Yihui and Doreen we were suppose to follow Mrs Goh to buy stuff for the party. at first only Janus wanted to go but then the rest of us decide that we wanted to go also but cause Mrs Goh's car couldnt fit the 5 of us so only Me, Janus and Vivien went with Mrs Goh. Mdm Radza came along with us to Sheng Song Supermarket too. eh then we went there to shop. erm cause Mrs Goh, Janus and Mdm Radza wanted to eat and vivien and i didnt want to eat so went shopped around before they came after finishing their lunch. cause Mrs goh already bought the rest of the BBQ food we just went there to buy seafood like stingray and prawns before driving Mdm Radza home. after that we went to Mrs Goh's house to put down the food we bought and then left her house. but we didnt leave the condominium but instead, we played at the swimming pool for a while. after Mrs Goh was about to walk to punggol park but she saw us at the pool and told us to faster leave as the stupid security guard kept looking at us. after that we left the place then Janus went home then Vivien and i walk to hougang mall to take bus home. after eating at home i met Xingxuan at her bus stop to take 74 to punggol park but cause she forgot to bring her number tag she got to go home and take the card thus causing us to be like freaking late!!!! we were like panicking in the bus can! cause it already passed our running time for cross country! but luckily in the bus there were a few sec 5s ((: hahahah then after the run Janus, Vivien, Swet Ling and i went to the nearest shop and save to buy 2 packs of ice and carried it bag to Mrs Goh's condo (: then we prepared everything. while the rest of the ppl were playing Janus and i was like the cook of the day or something we cooked everything prepare the fire and such! i was so freaking tired but after a few hours Mrs Goh demanded that the scouts guys to help and cook so after that i got to rest and play and took photos! heeeheee ((: oh and the security guard kept calling Mrs Goh about us misbehaving and then she demanded us to change out of hougang tee so we changed and then at 20:00pm plus the guys like started to swim as we asked Janus to go in and swim first so more and more guys went in! and all the guys were there laughing chatting and looking at muscles :X hahahahah. i went back at 20:30pm cause i had dental appointment so Baby then walked we out of the condo to my mum's car! thank you Baby! (: and then went for dental chose the wrong colour cause of some stupid mistake. and then er mum bought food for me and then went home!
SICK!! ):
i was feeling extremely sick and i still had 2 tuition so irritating!!! ): maths tuition in the morning and chinese tuition in the afternoon! i was so freaking sick i brought the whole freaking tissue box there and bought it back nearly empty ):
i just went for tuition and art class. still sick and the fever is still there ):
P.S : i will tell myself that i dont need you and you dont need me. so, goodbye FOREVER.loads of pictures!
BEWARE PICTURE FLOOD!this are are the photos we took in class!

amaths students!! (((:

a maths students!!! (:

monitors with Gong Yi!

Gong Yi the President Pose!

the class girls with Gong Yi!!! (((:

class boys with Gong Yi !!

family photo!!~

Girls again! ((:

the guys!

the photos at the party!!!
Vivien & i ((((:

Me, Xing Xuan, Gong Yi, Doreen & Janus!!!!!! * my face half ):

Me, Xing Xuan & Doreen!!!!!!!

Random pics from cross country!!! ((:

at the party (: Gong Yi and I (((:

Gong Yi and Vivien ((((:

Swimming pool @ Mrs Goh condo!

Xing Xuan, Gong Yi & Doreen!!!!

6 of us (((:

again! * but very dark

BBQ pit and ppl eating (:

hahahhaha finally i wish Gong Yi all the best i the future! and lastly, Gong Yi must
remember us hoh! and you have the time must come back Singapore to visit us and no matter wat must contact us!!!
8:50 PM