Friday, November 28, 2008

hello here i m blogging a-gain :)
i just finish watching
Unstoppable Marriage
hahahaha very niceee show!
its super romantic and funny :) very very niceee show must must go watch :)
there's the drama version of this i m so going to watch :)!!!
2:37 PM
hi ppl i m back from camp! hahaha let me tell you about camp :)
DAY 1 :
we fall in at sch at 7:50am so siti was later then i was so i decided to go to sch first to give the the identity :) then siti called me so i went below the flats to wait for her then we walk to sch :) then we fall in then bring our stuff to the bunks after that we fall in again! wayne was late so we did more punishment cause of him but he soon fall out caus he never eat breakfast and not feeling well. oh ya i also fall out for awhile cause i could feel that i was on the verge of fainting :( so i came out to drink water then i went back in to the squad :) so after that we played games :) the first was The Longest Line :) hahahaha superr fun :) then the other was er... i forgot liao. then we ate lunch all of us were extremely tired so we all didnt eat much :( so we did lots of pumping and stuff!!!! damn tired then we had combine practice and sectionals till slightly later abt 4 plus then we played a superrrr duperrr fun game called HOU (*pronounced as whole) GANG! hahaha each group will have a superr man we have to dress the superr man with news paper and go around different station to solve problems and play games but on he way there will be Terrorist that will rip the superr man apart so if your super man kenna rip then die liao have to re make the super man and the group with the superr man that come back in one piece will have bonus points!
the station i liked most was the flour station! we have to use our chin to dug the paper out from the flour! hahahaha superrr funny!
but after awhile i had to leave cause got appointment.
then when i was back we did drilss :) very long but ok then we ate supper bathe and sleep :)
DAY 2 :
we woke up early then have PT which was extremely tough but i hang on anyway :) then do finish aready we had breakfast then we fall in then do display drills i fall down while running because i haven regain my balance after the stupid khalis push me! the we had sectionals then our section got scolded and had to run down to the parade square stayed in pumping position the after that goy scolded. go up to have sectionals then ate lunch then after that JJC and PEIRCE school came foe exchange while having etude test. after that the whole band played games with the other schs but we cant cause our tutor coming then had tutoring session till like 7 plus if i not wrong then we went to eat dinner after that fall in then do pumping again then we had games cause i fall down i was not suppose to play eventually i played loh :) it was haunted house at first i was like damn scared but eventually ok :) hahaha syupid elijah for scaring me! :X then after that we had punishment and therfore got to stay at pumping position for very lon i endured even though my leg was like very pain :) no i cant really walk properly. :( but anyway we ate supper then i slept i didnt bathe cause i was damn tired!
DAY 3 :
so we woke up then we fall in then they did PT but i cannot do cause my leg i spained while falling mahh so i sit there damn sian then after that ate breakfast then did display drills so have to bring instruments to parade square do aready eat lunch after lunch bring instruments down a-gain ro the courtyard then display drills again then games finally we played telematch which is extremely fun! hahaha then give prize we were the 4th group :( but ok loh then after that break camp and then elijah gave us his farewell letter the dont have liao loh :) then go home!
this camp was fun and tough at the same time ;) but now my leg cant walk but the experience is worthwhile :) i enjoyed it!!!!
10:12 AM
Monday, November 24, 2008
hey ppl!
i will be away to camp from tomorrow onward till thursday :)
hahaha so i wont be blogging till i m back!
i m going to enjoy!
4:34 PM
Saturday, November 22, 2008

yesterday i finish watching this drama called Love Marriage! its a extremely nicee drama now its like one of my favourite drama :) its a very nicee drama about a divorce lawyer and a matchmaker falling in love :) it a comedy romance kind of show :) i love it a lot! rating for this show 5/5 so must go watch :)
later i still got to go tuition :(
bye :)
9:21 AM
Friday, November 21, 2008
hello people for blogging late! my comp was a bit chaotic just now :( hahahahahah yesterday was IGNITED! the combine concert of regent, hougang and shuqun :) finally the concert finish! its a success man!early in the morning met with siti at yio chu kang station at 8:45am then we did the last minute touch up for elijah's present! then after that we called the rest to ask y they still haven reach! then after wayne and justine came we left yio chu kang mrt to go to choa chu kang mrt instead of yew tee. justine was waiting outside the mrt all aalong since 8:30am but she didnt call me or siti so we didnt know she reach liao :( we go there to eat but cause we were too early the food junction not open :( so we just talk talk and stuff loh then ate :) then after we ate we took a bus the regent to help them move instruments. in the bus was superrr funny cause the supid bus turned and siti lost her balance and bang against me i tio shocked and i bang against justine so justine was like completely squashed! sorry justine! then after we reach ther the regent percussionist were in the band room doing something then we help them to move instruments first loh :( alot of things we move and move till they come! then move below to first level atrium there to wait for the lorry :) then i dunno wats my problem i think i was suffering from PMS (post not pre) then i was throwing my temper towards wayne and elijah which was on the phone ! sorry i m really sorry! so that pissed wayne off then i was completely in a bad mood then after that it ok abit then it started again. oh watever :( so we loaded every thing up the lorry but shuqun aready came by that time so they also help. we felt abit left out except wayne like of course. then we sat regent's bus to VICTORIA CONCERT HALL! then bus was so quiet unlike hougang bus and the bus was very high class that kind la so whoa i felt so tired i really wanted to sleep so niceee to sleep can! then siti kept talking to me to ensure that i do not sleep so eventually i just like lay down without sleeping loh :( when we reach VCH me and siti was so happy cause it brought back old memories! so we were rushing there shouting " remember this last time... " haha i also felt so warm like that cause i really missed VCH! then we slack loh when we saw our school band whoa sense of relieve sia finally somewhere we know!!!! so had rehersal. bla bla bla. then before we ate dinner we gave elijah the present he was like shocked la then he keep saying thank you. then we changed me and siti changed at some where no one will go and change la! guess where? VICTORIA THEATER! hahahahaha the place was dark but the toilet wasnt so ok lo! then we came back then we ate then prepare awhile then concert start aready loh! play play bla bla. then after intermission siti cried then bla bla then after that we got to sit at the audiences to see regent & combine band! then after that finish concert aready then with my sharp eyes i realised some thing happened! i shall not say it (dont worry!) then is like because of it nwever take the photo la. like watever! then keep instruments loh then went back to sch whoa this year as usual no present can sians. so went back to sch on the way in the bus got like talk abit loh with siti and wayne i dunno wats my problem then i attitude wayne a-gain! sorry! then siti pissed wayne off cause i duno wat she do to his cardboard present? i thinks is bend it or wat la! then reach school move instruments talk talk. then blabla then go home! ate congee! bath and then sleep super tired! btw my cousins, jieyi, kah yi and jia xin and my mum went for the concert. thanks alot!
5:55 PM
Saturday, November 15, 2008

hello here i m a-gain a-gain! i just watch finish my tutor friend 2! its actually okok only la to me the starting was like boring but the after that i dunno why but is getting more and more interesting! actually i watch until half way i dont want to watch aready cause not that nicee but lucky i continue watching cause the back part is the niccccce part! hahahahaha so overall its nicee must go watch but i thing i still prefer my tutor friend! hahahaha!
thats all for today!
bye! * i online too long liao :X
4:44 PM

hello here i m blogging a-gain! er i went to piano lessons today in the morning and then i came back myself so i decided to walk from the place i have piano lessons all the way home! ok i left the place at 11:08am then i reach at about 11:35am! it took me a freaking long time and i was totally sweating the hell out! but never mind exercise wat :) hahaha i just finish watching my tutor friend :) super nicee i love this kind of movie a lot i love it so much! it has a nice ending luhh very nicee to watch :) now i m on my way watching my tutor friend 2 :) its not related but the story line i think should be something like that :) i m so high after watching this show! so niceee must go watch!!!!
2:00 PM
Friday, November 14, 2008

the 2 posters of the movie i watch :)

hello ppl! sorry i didnt blog earlier today! cause i was busy watching show! i just finish watching my boyfriend is type b! its a nicee show i like it alot but i think the show is kinda short to me i also dunno y. eh yesterday i went to band and then something stupid happened blablabla. then elijah came for band ok then the section was starting to get noisier and more chaotic! sectionals was practically useless cause of elijah! yinyin and siti was playing with the loud haler superrrr funny then i was busy hitting elijah with the hammer cause he kept making me pissed off! hahah back to the old days again :) super funny! ok then after band we got to do punishment ok dont wanna talk about that after band i ate with siti then after that walk around. then i went home slacked and went to my mum's office at 5 plus cause later going to cut hair. then went to the hair dresser there it took suppperrr long and it was fcuking BORING luckily i was smsing with sooern of else i would have slept! i shall'nt tell you how i freaking i look! after cut finish walk about at taka then went home at about 9 plus then ate and sleeep... i was so damn tired! hahahhahaha!
i will update soon! bye!
5:35 PM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

hello! sian yesterday didnt get to go cut hair cause the hairdresser not in :( but nevermind i will wait :) i just finish watching marrying the mafia 3! it is the best among the 3 mafia shows! hahaha i like the first and the 3rd the best even though the 1st and the 3rd has no relation! it has a super nice ending and a super unexpected one! hahahahah funny :) this is definately a must watch!!! :)
later i still got piano lessons sian i dont feel like going but still have to go. cause i skiped last week one so have to go. :( but nevermind! i m suppose to enjoy it!
2:02 PM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

hahahaha. i just watch finish marrying the mafia 2 :) its a very nice show and it has a good ending! must go watch super funny but vulgar. the movie has a good meaning too :) hahahah i cant wait to watch marrying the mafia 3! i will watch it asap :) the marrying the mafia has no link with marrying the mafia 2 but marrying the mafia 2 has a link with marrying a mafia 3! complicated? i dont think so :X
bye for now :)
5:11 PM

hello! just finish band and here i m at home! hahaha ate with siti at kfc then talk talk awhile then suddenly vivien and shiting scare me from the back and shouted " HELLO!! " super loudly with leticia behind them laughing hahahaha :) hahaha they got lunch break so all the angklong ppl came and eat at kfc. then after eating me and siti walk about at ntuc to but stuff. eventually i bought nachos cause damn long never eat le :) hahaha then now i here onlining :) yesterday i watch this show marrying a mafia! its a nice show, actually its a movie and there is marrying a mafia 2 so i gonna watch. this is a nice show luhh but... got alot of vulgarities!!! hahaha funny :) anyway i realise something. i feel that i m more used to watching k drama then to watch other dramas like taiwan drama and sort! i also dunno y hahah cause i guess i m a korean drama #1 fan!!!! and i cant give it up! hahahaha!
1:49 PM
Monday, November 10, 2008

the show CRUEL LOVE!

the 3 main cast of the show!

the main lead actress in the show :)
hello peeps! i think i m blogging more oftenly now :) hahahah. anyway Sunday i watch finish the last episode of cruel love (aka: du ai) on Tv it like a very nice show its actually a extremely touching show and the ending was niceee. hahahaha this show is like a super matured show cause its not like most korean drama that are very funny. this show has like super deep meaning :) hahaha must watch its a nice show :)
11:12 AM
Saturday, November 8, 2008

ok i m utterly depress. y? my freakin holiday. it was my choice to choose where to go but now my parents change their mind then cant go to places that i have chosen or even places i never go before :( now where to? back to japan AGAIN. not to new parts of japan but to places i been before many times. can go visit my nephew? NO.
5:02 PM