Saturday, March 29, 2008
yesterday was the worst day and i m serious.
it totally sucks. i m freaking thankful to all the ppl for making my life the way i hate it.
thanks alot i totally appreciate it.
thankyou SOOERN for talking to me.
i really hate this.
TOLERANCE is so difficult to control.
i really tried but my mind cant withstand it anymore.
now i chatting with SOOERN on MSN super super funny.
thanks alot SOOERN for making me feel happier.
2:43 PM
Monday, March 24, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
yesterday i went to arts fiesta!!!
super fun la but i was freaking tired!
it was all my fault tat we were nearly late...
super super sorry to SOOERN for rushing with me here and there and not being able to eat before the arts fiesta...
because of me being absent minded i didnt bring my ticket tats y we have to go back take my ticket rush like siao and nearly late...
the whole arts fiesta was okok.
but i very sian and tired so i wasnt really paying attention.
we took photos during the interval but my computer abit sot then cant upload.
but it was finally QUITE ENJOYABLE!
last night after my mum & dad pick SOOERN and me then brought SOOERN home after like emm 1/2 hour they had to catch a plane to other country le *fly fly fly
now they just called me to say they reach le.
12:20 PM
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Helloooo! Im Sooern invading Yihui's blogg! :D Went to point to eat w her just now! Hahah, but now i got no voice to talk so im typing! LOL(: Yayy, cant wait for arts fiesta tomorrow!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Happy Birthday rocks!
5:51 PM
Monday, March 17, 2008
hello ppl!!!
today i didnt go to school la.
because of piano exam *wish tat i will pass with flying colours!!!
emm ya if i m not wrong lots of things happen in school today.
i m sure i will find out by tomorrow haha.
YESTERDAY i watch te last episode of MY GIRL!!!!
sad sad can.
now is not a korean show it is some sort of china show!!!
wat the hell. but the ending of MY GIRL IS FREAKING NICE!!!!
PS: the freaking chinese show tat took over the time slot of MY GIRL is 30 over episodes!!! OMG ANGRY ANGRY!!!!
SATURDAY it was super funny because i watch the show until very very engross tat tome my dad told me tat i had a company to pei me sleep.
then i ask him wat was it he say u go up and see la!!!
then i started to be scared like hell.
during the advertisement time i went up to my room but i didnt see anything.
then i go down then i ask my dad AGAIN wat was it and he said it was a 2 inch grasshopper!!!!
i shouted like heck!!!!! then my dad went up to my room and said no more le it jumped away but i didnt believe. so i took my foolscape paper and tap every object in my room there was nothing
UNTIL i tap the curtain and the damn thing flew out it was HUGE!!!!!
i scream and run out of my room and told my dad to get rid of it but not to kill it!!!!
i was super TERRIFYING !!!!!
4:27 PM
Friday, March 14, 2008
it is like a supreme long long time before i post sia!!!
actually is not i not free is tat i lazy post la because got so many pictures....
okok emm last week was a super busy week for me!!!
tuesday i didnt go to band because our whole class went to army museum!!!!
it was quite fun and scary cause the place was dimly lighted to make the very very spooky feeling!!!!
oh ya we also watch this SUPER i mean SUPER sound effects show!!!!
it was NICE, VERY VERY LOUD AND SUPER BRIGHT *those who went there should understand!!!
then on friday we went for cross country!!!!
we met each other before going to PONGGOL park!!!
we eat at KOVAN KOBAYASHI!!!!
VIVIEN did the silliest thing!!!
never wear our school PE shorts!!!! *hahahahaha
but eventually she lend shorts from LETICIA to change.
oh ya at KOBAYASHI i saw COUTNEY!!!!
i called her name and she look at me like blur blur then i say " i think u forget me le is it??? "
then she say " no" but i think she sort of did!!!
look at the photos i took below enjoy!!!!
this photo is the new way the chinese teacher teach us chinese. it is using karaoke set for us to sing and learn how to read at the same time :)

army museum photos!!!!
its a map put its on the floor *weird???
this photo is super finny can!!!! MR ARIZAN is like posing for us to take photo of him!!!!
latest biology experiment on last thursday ( about the enzymes thingy which STINKS!!! )


maths homework for the 1 week holidays :(
1:10 PM
Saturday, March 1, 2008
i super long never update le...
not free and cannot use computer tats y...
haha yesterday was our schools sports meet!!!
we went to hougang stadium!!! i meet VIVIEN & JIA AN at 6am.
then we go together to SPC to eat instant noodles...
when we reach the stadium it was still dark and we were the earliest!!!!
so funny la!!!! all JIA AN'S fault * joking joking
i was the latest because i over sleep!!! sorry to keep both of them waiting!!!
after sports meet ME & VIVIEN & LETICIA went to heartland mall to eat!!! we ate YOSHINOYA!!!
then we walk walk loh!!!!
we went to I.P ZONE
the most fun was comics connection where we had super alot of fun and i found all my idols photo!!!!
i was so high la!!!!
we laugh laugh like siao too!!!
i am determine to buy them!!!! i will make them mine!!!!
here are the photos!!!


12:14 PM