Tuesday, November 27, 2007
tomorrow i going japan le...
cannot blog for a week le...
i will be leaving tomorrow morning at 7...
i will be back on the 4th of december...
i hope ADDICTION II will be a success!!!
jiayous to all HSSB band members!!!
and i m sorry again...
5:16 PM
to rehearse for ADDICTION II it was so fun!!!
but it was very tiring moving the instruments!!!
but thanks to all band members for helping percussion move the instrument!!!
without ur help i think we could have DIED!!!!
i took picture in SCH with YINYIN's phone because mine got sound!!!
she think i siao for taking picture but i told her tat i m going to put them here!!!
so here are the pictures :)
this is where ppl who help percussion is in the loading bay and the damn lift could use until 2pm

this is in the lift with all the instruments with me, yinyin and dickson...

dickson said i love the lift SO MUCH tats y i keep on taking picture but it is NOT true!!!

this is the first run through and we all waiting at back stage...

this is the 2nd run through when they play sesame street... me, yuanling, siti, yinyin and elijah was at back stage!!! siti was looking at the backstage TV of the concert hall with the band!!! * so engross

we got nothing to do so we use the mirror to take picture!!! i was force to hold the phone!!!!

haha everybody couldnt fit in!!!

yuanling and yinyin

yinyin was 'dancing'!!!

yinyin kept on saying tat yuanling head very big tats y she squeeze down there!!!

the TV at the back stage that shows the hall...


elijah and siti was peeping through the back stage door!!!

2nd run through after DOLLY we all waiting to go in and play FLIGHT OF VALOR...

the back stage window show the carpark and it was raining!!!

the back stage... *picture spoilt by my junior WAYNE!!!
12:27 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
i going to japan on wednesday morning le...
sad tat because of this cant go addiction...
i haven even started packing la!
how pathetic all my clothes are not dry!!!!
yesterday i went on a serious shopping trip and brought
2 jeans and 1 cargo pants!!!!
and on the way back to the carpark i saw edna!
byes i have to go band soon!!!
8:22 AM
Saturday, November 24, 2007
haha so long never update le...
this few days i go band then very tired so never update...
yesterday band was so fun even though it was late!
we found "termites" in the hall because of my junior!
he jump on the steps of the hall and then "they" started coming out!
actually they are not termites...
it is like emm...
small little white worms!
it is so DISGUSTING!
11:47 AM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
hahas today first day of going to band after sooo long!
finally man! today was quite fun but we started the day by doing
" squats "
tat was so tiring!
tomorrow must fall in at 7:30am
better go rest byeeee!
5:32 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
haha i siao aready suddenly post so many photo!!!
actually to celebrate the last series soon goong S going to end le so sad!!!
so i post so many!
try to beat it vivien!!!
trying to enjoy my holidays but cant sad...
4:27 PM

shi ling profile!

xiao jun profile!

shun ee profile!

se7en profile!

goong S cast!

the top two people very nice the bottom two not nice...

another another another se7en advertisment!

another another se7en advertisment!

another se7en advertisment!

se7en the character advertisment!

goong S de advertisment!

haha the couple there same action de!

funny photo man! look at shi ling the expression funny funny one...

this photo come out in a korean magazine...

very cute!

nice photo but se7en like very sian like tat...

this is their combine photo tat appears on friday weekly!

this is actually wallpaper for computers!

this is the back photo of their sound track...

this picture so cute, romantic and funny! so sweet!

this is another picture with the queen with very retro back ground

i found the picture with the queen and the princes!

such a cute couple!

this and the below below one is the same style one..

this is the " character " poster...

haha this is one of the nicest combine photo!

nice right this combine photo the background is the goong

haha their he zhao!
3:30 PM
haha so boring...
the holidays were BORING!!!
nothin to do de loh!!!
today i went to the video lesson then me, siti and lynette went to eat! haha!
nothin to do sia...
i m very very sorry tat i cant go to addiction...
i promise i will do wat i can to help...
sorry again...
i treid my best but i just cant...
the penalty is $1000
i wanna sacrifice but my parents dont allow...
i m willing to go band but i just cant...
2:37 PM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
haha now me, siti and lynette in the video class!!!
haha then we use alot alot of barbie and kens!!!
now we all playing computer trying to SLACK!!!
too bad sooern didnt come...
i hope she on thurs she can come...
haha we totally enjoyed it until and marker ink spilled onto lynette SHIRT!!!
10:31 AM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
yesterday was quite a boring dayy...
i hardly have anything interesting to do...
i read million of books and i PLAYED with MUD!!!!
haha because my dad cleaning the lotus & koi tank mahh then i 'help'
to dig out the MUD and it was so GROSS!!!
i was like screming the hell of myself la!!!!
i saw diagusting things like WORMS!!!!!
& SNAILS!!!!
OMG!!!! but at least it was fun!!!
haha nothing to blog le...
8:26 AM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
SATURDAY 3/11/2007
i officially got grounded liao...
no more handphone for me ler...
i wanna say sorry to my parents for letting them down with my results and appeal results
i promise i will work hard...
FRIDAY 2/11/2007
i went to my mum office to do ' work '
then in the afternoon my uncle brought me to the factory so see stuff so he asked me to tag along so i follow loh!! then the factory is like so HUGE & NOISY!!
it was so scary la!!! and i m like the only girl there!!
there were MANY i mean MANY crazy ppl...
and my uncle said i was his UNDERSTUDY!!
oh ya my parents are engineers so imagine the factory i went to!!!
THURSDAY 1/11/2007
at night me and my parents went to fish & co. to eat!!!
but something so damn funny happen..
my mum couldn't make up her mind wat she wanna eat...
1. The Best Fish & Chips In Town
2. New York Fish & Chip
so she ask the waiter wats the difference
then he said " in the new york one there is a piece of melted cheese below."
then mum said " other then that?"
then he said " it will be decorated with the US 'toothpick' flag."
then i laugh like siao like tat!!!!
it is like u pay around $1 for the stupid flaggg!!!!
while my dad the perfectionist kept on asking the waiter wat fish was on the menu...
the the waiter said " dory, it is the fresh catch of the day! "
the my dad was like " noo! this the catch of the century! not of the day! its frozen fish then say frozen fish! "
then the waiter's face was BLACK !!!!
soo long never update le...
i promise i will work hard from today onwards :)
now i update for 3 days de...
8:31 AM